As happy as a pig in mud.
When we say our animals only have one bad day in their lives, we really mean it.
Our family of Berkshire pigs get to live their best lives, roaming free in open paddocks, getting to make nests for their young, wallowing in mud and living as we believe pigs should be allowed to live.
Our pigs live in two main groups outside, with our sows raising their young communally and often help each other with the feeding and babysitting duties and our grower pigs once they are old enough to be weaned from their mums. They spend their days living their best pig lives, as well as them assisting with turning over the soil as they forage for roots and bugs. We do not tail dock, dip or vaccinate our pigs at all and our sows are never confined to sow stalls or gestation pens. To read more about our overall farming ethos, please visit our pages on The Farm or Our Values for more information.
Our sows successfully raise their piglets outside in the open, finding a quiet spot for their beautiful nests to provide a safe and warm home for their young. We also allow our piglets to stay with their mums for a prolonged period, usually until they naturally wean themselves, unlike in most commercial settings where they are weaned at only 3 weeks old.
As with all of the animals that we produce at Allington Family Farm, we hand select and personally deliver our pigs to be processed. This ensures that the minimal amount of stress is placed on them as possible, so that they really do only have one bad day in their lives.
Berkshire pigs are a heritage breed which have been around since the 1600s, originating in the Thames Valley, England. They are known for their long and muscular bodies, and their incredible tasting pork - and ours are no exception! The texture, flavour and overall eating quality in our pork is what makes it so in demand as is known as the ‘Wagyu of the pork world’.
Once you’ve tried it, you’ll understand and won’t be able to go back! Our pork is available to purchase most weeks (depending on availability) across our Farmers Markets in Perth, and via our Online Shop.
Alongside our fresh pork products and cuts, we also produce our Best Selling - and best tasting - CHRISTMAS HAMS which are available to pre-order from October. We recommend that you pre-order yours as soon as you can, as with limited stock available, they are guaranteed to sell out.