Changing the food system, one chicken at a time.

Our pasture raised chickens get to live the majority of their lives outside, free to forage on pastures, bugs and seeds and roam freely outside all year round.

We provide mobile shelters for them, as well as natural shelter, for them to be able to seek shade or protection from the elements when they need. We move their shelters daily so they do not impact the ground too heavily, and to ensure that they are given fresh pasture to enjoy and benefit from.

Additionally, our beautiful livestock guardian dogs, the maremmas and our latest addition, our Anatolian shepherd, have the job of guarding our chickens at night to ensure they keep all of the predators away. They do an amazing job and we wouldn’t be able to have our chickens free ranging the way they do without them!

Meet our team of Livestock Guardian dogs here!

We believe there is a great need for chickens to be raised outside on pasture, rather than the alternative conventional option, where chickens are housed in large sheds of up to 50,000 chickens per shed. In these settings, chickens have limited to no access to the outside - in sheds which are climate controlled and allowing up to 34kg of birds per square metre (as per Australia’s RSPCA welfare standards). This system is highly stressful on the animals, does not give them much room to move around and then they are usually processed at five weeks of age.

We also have a nose to tail ethos with minimum wastage on all of the parts of our animals; as well as the traditional cuts of chicken and whole chickens we have on offer, we also have feet, livers, hearts, necks and frames available. Our chickens are harvested by hand, cold-chilled in an ice bath and are never treated with bleach or chlorine, and no added hormones, resulting in a 100% natural chicken.

Our chickens are raised in small batches of up to 700 chickens, and only spend the first 3-4 weeks of their lives inside the brooder until they are big, strong and are fully feathered. After this we then move them to their new home outside to a fresh paddock. Our chickens are then moved on a regular basis, so that they constantly have access to fresh pasture and they can positively impact soil and pasture health. Raising animals in this way is not only better for animal welfare; we are also regenerating the soil and improving pasture quality and health by adding the natural fertiliser from the chickens’ manure.

On top of the benefits for the animals and for our pastures, there is the final benefit of the quality of meat that our chickens produce. Our chicken actually tastes like chicken should! Our pasture raised chicken is juicy, nutrient-dense and tender, due to their rich diet and ability to be able to move around freely.

Our pasture raised chicken is available to purchase every week from our Farmers Markets across Perth and is also now available to purchase via our Online Shop!