Similarly to our pasture raised meat chickens, our pasture raised hens get to enjoy their best lives living outside on pasture. With free access to our mobile chicken caravans which we regularly move around the farm, as well as providing shelter for them and a place for them to roost at night, they also feature as their nesting space.
Our hens add a brilliant element to the farm as during their time scratching and foraging in the pasture, they turn the soil over naturally and add their wonderful manure as fertiliser. They live on spray-free pasture and the eggs that they produce feature the most incredible orange yolks which are full of the best proteins. They are also part of our stock rotation and often follow our grazing animals to improve the pastures.
According to research, pasture raised eggs have double the amount of Vitamin E and long-chain omega fats than eggs from conventionally- raised hens. So not only are the eggs coming from hens who live a better life, and who are doing wonderful things for the soil - they are so much better for you too!
You may have noticed that our eggs are a beautiful mixture of different colours and sizes, this is due to our hens being a mixture of around 10 different breeds. Whilst the colour of the shell doesn’t specifically affect the flavour inside, we certainly think they make our eggs even more exciting! We have a wide range of heritage breeds such as Leghorns, Australorps, Light Sussex, Rhode Island Reds & our famous Olive and Blue eggers. (Yes - you may get a blue or olive egg in your dozen, but don’t worry, they are just as delicious inside).
The hens at Allington Family Farm get to live on pasture with less than 100 hens per Hectare, and all of our eggs are hand collected and packaged by us. We do not use any commercial sorting or packing facilities, this is all done by hand - so you may notice that our eggs are sold as ‘mixed size’ due to this. All this means is you’ll have a range of different sized eggs; you may find a huge double yolker or slightly smaller egg in your dozen, but we believe this is simply representative of how eggs are naturally!
Our hens, like our pasture raised meat chickens, have the safety of our Livestock guardians, with our maremmas and Anatolian shepherd to protect them at night, to keep the predators away! They do an incredible job and we honestly couldn’t do what we’re doing without them.
You can currently find our eggs at Manning Road, Mt Claremont and Kyilla Farmers Markets on a Saturday & Stirling, Freo and Kalamunda on a Sunday - but get in early as they usually sell out before 9am!
You can also order Online (with minimum orders of $100) - and please contact us if you’d like to be added to our Wholesale waitlist for our eggs!