Grass fed lamb is how we started, and it will remain an integral aspect of our enterprise.

Our flock comprises of a mixture of Merino and crossbred ewes; with our aim being to breed dual purpose sheep who as well as producing incredible lamb, we can also utilise their beautiful wool when we shear them.

Our sheep are spread across three different properties: next door where our lambs are; and two more properties between here and Manjimup. Our sheep are free to roam in open paddocks all year round, with no exceptions. Wherever possible, they are rotationally grazed between different paddocks to allow paddocks to be rested from grazing and allow the sheep to have access to high quality feed as much as possible. They are never confinement fed and we have low stocking rates across the different farms.

For the majority of the year, our lambs are 100% grass fed and finished. However, during the summer months, they sometimes require supplementary feed to ensure that they continue to thrive. This is usually a high protein diet of lupins, a legume which is Western Australian grown, which we source from our local feed mill. Alongside the lupins they are also given hay as required to ensure they have access to enough feed when the pasture quality and quantity is low.

We use minimal animal health interventions with our sheep, but do so as required, with the health and wellbeing of the sheep our top priority. Our pastures remain spray free, and no synthetic fertilisers are used. We also do not practice mulesing or ear-marking.

All of our lambs are kept on their mums for at least four months, whilst ensuring that the ewes’ condition does not deteriorate. Once the lambs are ready for processing, we use low-stress stock handling methods and hand select which animals will be processed each week. They are then loaded by us and we deliver them to the abattoir so that we can ensure they have the minimal amount of stress possible. This can be seen in the quality of our lamb that we produce.

Lamb is something that we ensure we have available all year round and you can find it from any of our Farmers Markets otherwise you can find our lamb in some of our mixed boxes, or you can purchase individual cuts of lamb from our Online Shop!

Farming isn’t a battle against nature, but a partnership with it. It is respecting the basics of nature in action and ensuring that they continue
— Jeff Koehler